Commissioners hear from engineer, assessor

Chase County Commissioners Dave Hogsett, Chuck Vette and Don Weiss, Jr. met Tuesday, April 24 for their final April meeting.

New county building
    As the offices begin to fill up in the new county building, the final touches are being completed on the building.
    The commissioners were presented change orders to review at the Tuesday meeting.
    Several changes have already been completed, such as changing from 24-inch studs to 16-inch studs.
    The most expensive change order is yet to come. The parking lot will be reconfigured at a cost of over $58,000.
    Jeff Tidyman with Engineering International, which  designed the building and parking lot, said he’s caught a lot of grief about the parking lot being too small.
    The parking lot will be expanded and have a second exit added.
    The board approved $73,368 worth of changes, including the parking lot expansion. One change order dollar amount was reduced.

Assessor’s update
    Chase County Assessor Dotty Bartels said she received her report from the state, which included information from counties across Nebraska. It includes an assessment of each assessor’s actions from  the pass year, as well as maps and a variety of charts for the counties.
    She said Chase County’s residential value is at 93 percent. The weighted mean is 93 percent and mean at 96 percent.
    Commercial, which Bartels said has not seen a lot of action, is at 94 percent. The weighted mean, which Bartels said is what the schools look at, is at 87 percent.
    Ag land is valued at 69 percent. The weighted mean is 70 percent and the mean is 73 percent.

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