Consultant provides hospital board with analysis on space

Members of the Chase County Community Hospital board received a comprehensive space needs analysis late last month. The report is just one phase of a master campus plan started in late 2016.
    The report was presented by consultants from ERDMAN Company of Westminster, Colo. The study kicked off in November.
    The space needs analysis represents the second phase of the study. The company delivered an analysis of the hospital’s market and demographics in January.
    The space needs study examined a variety of needs for in-patient, surgical, clinical, emergency, radiology, lab, physical therapy and cardiac rehab spaces.
    The consultants recommended a 12-bed inpatient unit, including an inclusive labor, delivery, recovery and postpartum room and an isolation room. State law requires at least one isolation room.
    They also suggested a surgery pod that would include one operating room, one procedure room and one endoscopy room.
    The area would also include dedicated pre-op and recovery spaces.
    For clinical space, the study recommends combining the primary care and speciality clinic areas, with four pods comprised of 18 exam rooms.
    One large emergency department area is being recommended with three to four bays. One large bay would accommodate trauma and bariatrics, another would be for triage and two others for private treatment.
    The study suggests combining the lab and the radiology areas for better efficiency. This area would also be readily accessible to the inpatient unit, surgery and emergency areas.
    A key component to the new design would include linking the areas with non-public hallways and accesses that would reduce a patient’s exposure to public areas.
    The study also recommended a main floor space dedicated solely for physical therapy and cardiac rehab.
Renovation options
    The company also examined the existing facility to assess feasibility of a renovation and/or construction project.
    ERDMAN first noted in their report that any remodel impacting 5 percent or more of the facility “will result in some challenging (and costly) code upgrades.”
    They noted the saw-tooth geometry of the building’s exterior would make it difficult to modernize.
    With the existing configuration of the various departments, achieving operational efficiencies will be difficult even with renovation.
    In addition, renovation will not solve the lack of privacy for patients that presently exists.
    In addition, any renovation would likely cut off any space for future expansion.
    Another factor to consider, the consultants said, is the existing floor and ceiling height within the structure.

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