Diabetes, cancer support groups held monthly at hospital

In an effort to reach out to the community, Chase County Community Hospital (CCCH) has support groups for both cancer and diabetes patients.
    These meetings are open for everyone including spouses, family members and friends wishing to gain a better understanding of diabetes and cancer.
     The diabetes support group meets every second Monday of the month. There are no fees or registration necessary to attend.
     Julie Levy, a registered dietitian/diabetes educator, has been leading this group for the last two years.
    Levy loosely follows a curriculum from the American Diabetes Educator (ADE). There has been an eye doctor who visited with the group in the past.
    The group discusses personal struggles and shares helpful tips and information.
    During the summer, there are no meetings due to attendee’s schedules.
    Meetings are 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the CCCH basement conference room. Call Levy at 882-7386 or visit www.chasecoun tyhospital.com for more information.
    The cancer support group has a committee that both plans and runs the meetings.

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Wauneta Breeze

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