Excitement building for the Chase County Hospital Foundation Gala

There is a sense of anticipation in the air for the upcoming Chase County Hospital Foundation Gala this Saturday.
    The theme for this year is casino-related, “Let’s Have a Gamblin’ Good Night.”
    “Entertainment for the evening will be a casino with Craps, Hold’em Poker and Blackjack tables,” said Deb Hrcka, assistant executive director of the Hospital Foundation.
    Bingo, a Split the Pot raffle and a photo booth will be additional fundraisers contributing to the evening’s festivities.
    The photo booth will have 5x7 or 8x10 photos available to purchase.
    A cash bar will be provided at the Gala, as well.
    Formal attire is requested for this event, added Hrcka.
    Invitations were sent out to previous participants, but the public is invited to attend, she said.
    Individual tickets are being sold for $125 per person or $1,000 per table of eight.
    Each person buying a ticket will receive $500 in “funny money” to gamble with, but attendees must present their tickets at the door when arriving to get their “money,” Hrcka added.
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