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Karon Pantera

Experience valuable for new center director

Sometimes the Lord works in mysterious ways.
    That theory holds true when it comes to the Wauneta Senior Center’s new director, Karon Pantera.
    Pantera moved to Wauneta last summer when her husband, Tom, was named editor of The Wauneta Breeze.
    As the year wound down Pantera got a call asking if she’d be interested in the senior center’s cook position. The open administrator job interested her much more thanks to past administrative work.
    Since her first day April 25, Pantera said it’s been a relatively easy adjustment because of her experience.
    Pantera worked in emergency management in Missouri where she worked with federal and state emergency management agencies on road projects. Her job as a transportation director for a bus company in Arizona also  can be applied to the work she’s doing today.
    “I’m able to apply the skill sets from those to this job,” she said. “I like the numbers.”

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