Former Wauneta resident returns to run senior center

After 36 years as an employee of the federal government, Lorna Taylor has taken on a job she’s never done before.
    Taylor, 65, started work May 8, as the new director of the Wauneta Senior Center. She replaced longtime director. Myra Large, who left the position last month.
    She retired in 2013 from the federal Department of Defense, where she was a buyer, contract administrator and program administrator. She returned to the family farm near Wauneta and eventually bought a house in town.
    The new job was a chance to get reintegrated into the community.
    “I’m not a real social person,” she said. But “because I know so many people, or they know my parents, it was an opportunity to get involved with the community more than I was.”
    She also fit some criteria the center’s board had set.
    Board Chairman Joey Large said the center, which has an annual budget of about $60,000, was looking for somebody who planned to stay in the area for some time, had relatively few other commitments and wasn’t necessarily looking for a full-time position.
    Taylor said her learning curve in the job might be steep, but that doesn’t worry her.

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