Hospital board approves work for cost guarantee

Chase County hospital board members gave the go-ahead for the design-build firms to complete the necessary work to formulate a guaranteed price for a new proposed hospital facility.
    The action was taken during a special meeting Friday, Jan. 19.
    Adolfson & Peterson Construction of Aurora, Colo., and Davis Partnership Architects of Denver (AP/Davis) will begin the necessary work to develop plans and specifications in order to offer a guaranteed price.
    Hospital Administrator Steve Lewis said that guaranteed price is necessary so they can tell voters how much the facility will cost during this fall’s bond election.
    Lewis said it would be unfair to the voters to not know the guaranteed price when they vote.
    However, getting that firm number creates a bit of a quandary for the board.
    Lewis said AP/Davis will incur significant cost in order to produce that number for the hospital board—to the tune of about $1.5 million.
    Lewis said that’s not an issue if the bond issue passes because that cost will be part of the guaranteed price determined by AP/Davis.
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