Organizers mull how to provide security for ball

Organizers of the June 7 and 8 Cattlmen’s Ball near Wauneta currently are reviewing options for how the event will provide security for an estimated 4,500 people from across the state who will attend the event.
    Large events elsewhere often call on area sheriff’s offices and police departments to provide security and help with parking, but that isn’t an option here.
    With three deputies and a sheriff, Chase County Sheriff Kevin Mueller said, “we don’t have the resources to provide the security they are needing or wanting.”
    And even if he could detail deputies to patrol the ball grounds — which he plans to do in the evenings — they also would be responsible for handling any calls elsewhere in the county.
    Nor can Mueller pull deputies from surrounding counties, which in some cases have sheriff’s offices even smaller than his, he said.
    Mueller has suggested to ball organizers that they contact the Ogallala-based firm that provides security for the Chase
County Fair.

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