Severe weather season arrives; time to be prepared

For the third year in a row, severe weather was at a minimum during the volatile spring season in Chase County.
    But, that doesn’t mean people shouldn’t continue to work on being prepared, which is the focus of next week’s Severe Weather Awareness Week, March 27-31.
    Emergency Manager Duane Dreiling said Chase County will take part in the statewide tornado drill next Wednesday, March 29.
    A test “watch” will be set off at 9 a.m., when spotters, the emergency dispatch, schools, hospital and senior care facilities will be alerted, he said.
    A half hour later at 9:30 a.m., the test “warning” will be issued. At that time, Dreiling said all of Chase County’s sirens will be set off.
    Those include three in Imperial (courthouse, near EMS building, in Schroeder Park), two in Enders (lake and in town), one in Champion and one in Wauneta.
    The test warning is a time for families and businesses to establish a safe place to go in the event of a tornado or other severe weather.
    National weather officials suggest, in homes, that a room in the basement, cellar or interior room on the lowest floor that has no windows be chosen for that safe area, and that all family members know to go there.
    It’s also a good idea to plan a family drill and practice going to that area.

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Wauneta Breeze

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