Sunrise Heights Happenings

Happy June to all you readers, I’m back!
    I have a lot to report. As you’ve probably figured out I was busy with thoughts of my alumni last Saturday. Since I graduated from Wauneta High School eighty years ago, that was 1937 and lucky numbers were sevens. I couldn’t have known then the number seven made me eligible to be one of the honored classes at this year Alumni Banquet.
    My sons also graduated in Wauneta. They made plans to be here with me. That was a happy time for me, to attend the banquet with my family. Those who carried out their dreams of hosting the event, thanks go to you! For a lot of folks who made it was a night to remember.
    I recalled my high school days some of my best memories. This banquet was the climax to those years. There were a lot of things I would have been able to relate, like our class taking a “sneak break” that wasn’t scheduled. I thought at a later time we were allowed to go on a “legal” sneak day, as long as Mr. Wade could accompany us.

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Wauneta Breeze

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Wauneta NE 69045