Village board holds March meeting

The March meeting of the Wauneta Village Board of Trustees was held last Tuesday, March 14. The meeting began with a 50-minute executive session during which board members discussed a communication received concerning possible litigation. There was no further discussion on the subject after board members returned to public session.
Nursing home
    Board members reviewed the financial statements for Sunrise Heights of Wauneta. Concern was expressed regarding a few budget line items that are over budget for this point in the fiscal year.
    After discussion, board members decided to ask for more detail from nursing home administration and managers at the next committee meeting.
    It was also noted that although the reports show there are budget line items over budget, the statements also show the year-to-date revenues are also over budget, meaning there has been more income seen than anticipated.

New well sites
    Progress continues on the new well field south of town. At the March meeting board members approved a motion to have Chairman Tony Cribelli execute the agreement for the land where the new well field will sit.
    Village Superintendent Bill Bischoff told the board he had met with Bo Bonn in Kearney recently and the state contracts for the water project have gone through, though they took 30 days to gain approval. Plans can now move forward on the rehabilitation of well no. 3 in the near future.

    Board members approved a recommendation from the Wauneta Public Library Board to appoint Lindsay Anderson as a library board member.

CDBG loan
    Village Clerk Evelyn Skelton reported that communication has been received from the individuals who have a delinquent CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) loan with the village. She said the borrower has promised to pay off the balance.

Excess land at cemetery
    Board members discussed and ultimately gave Village staff members Skelton and Bischoff authority to research possible uses for the excess land at the cemetery.
    Discussion included possibly opening it up for lease to area ag producers and/or the FFA program.

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Wauneta Breeze

308-394-5389 (Phone)

324 N. Tecumseh

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Wauneta NE 69045