WCTC Happenings

One of the articles I read in the last Breeze was a long list of donors that contributed to the Chase County Community Hospital Cancer Walk on Sept. 30.
    I first noticed among the donors that this facility where I live, the Wauneta Care and Therapy Center, was a donor as well as many local businesses and individuals. The Chateau Theatre was also listed.
    The theatre has been a good “new” action spot. I remember the old theatre on the west side of Main Street. I never really went to the  movies. I don’t think I even went to a movie here, except a very kind lady in town, she took as a little friend, I think because my mother had died.
    I never knew if she had known my mother, but she worked at the theatre in the ticket booth. I remember getting to sit in the tiny booth, on the front of the theatre. There was a small opening cut in the back side of the booth and I could look through it and see the movie. I may have done that twice, but the memory of it has lasted all my many years.
    Then I’m not sure but a lot of you older people probably could tell me, “Did that old theatre burn?”

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Wauneta Breeze

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