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At top, lineman Zach Tagge shows how tires can conduct electricity. If someone is in a car and a power line falls on the car, SWPPD’s best advice is to stay in the vehicle until help arrives. If the occupant must exit the car, for instance if the car is on fire, they should jump away from the car as far as possible, landing on both feet. While moving away, the should shuffle their feet on the ground to avoid any possible arcing that could potentially occur if a foot is lifted in the air.

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A kite flying near electrical lines is also not safe. At right, Tagge shows that kite string can conduct electricity, right down to the person flying the kite. SWPPD’s advice—release the kite immediately and don’t try to remove it from the electrical lines. Instead, call the electric provider immediately and let them handle the removal safely.

SWPPD offers safety tips at Chase County Fair

Southwest Public Power District (SWPPD), based in Palisade, brought its hotline demonstration unit to the Chase County Fair.

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Diane Stamm | Johnson Publications
Joyce Richter donates a double contribution of red blood cells during the Aug. 23 blood drive at the Wauneta Community Building. Keeping a watchful eye over Richter are Charlotte Myers (left) and Red Cross technician Denice Haremza (right). Richter’s O negative blood passes through a special machine to separate the red blood cells from her plasma, which then goes back into Richter’s system. Richter said she was told large donations such as her’s are especially important for babies and cancer patients who benefit from transfusions from only one donor.

Giving the gift of life



Wauneta Breeze

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324 N. Tecumseh

PO Box 337

Wauneta NE 69045