What are your stressors?

Most people feel “stressed out,” from time to time and are able to deal with it in stride. But when feeling stressed persists, it becomes chronic and can negatively impact our careers, quality of life, and our bodies, reports Nebraska Extension Nutrition Specialist, Lisa Franzen-Castle. April is stress awareness month.
    The first step to manage stress is to pinpoint the stressors in your life. Identify the true source or sources of stress by looking closely at your habits, attitude, and excuses. Pinpointing the stressors in your life might be difficult because some of them may be very subtle. Sometimes we don’t recognize our own stress-inducing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Tips to help manage stress:
    • Pinpoint those stressors. Each time you feel stressed, keep track of it. You will start to see patterns and themes. Things to think about include: the cause of the stress, how you felt, your reaction, and what you did to make yourself feel better. Think about how you currently manage and cope with stress. Are your strategies healthy or unhealthy?
    • Know your limits. How many of your stressors can be reduced or eliminated. Learn to say no when you are at your limit and stick to your limit. Personally or professionally, taking on more than you can handle is a guaranteed recipe for stress. Watch your current schedule and commitments.

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