WCTC Happenings

I’ve been very lax about getting this column done. If this were January 1, I’d be making a resolution to get back on the old routine that I use to have. It’s October and I’m planning to do better.
    What I wrote today has been on my mind and I wondered if I really dared to write it. Sorry W.C.T.C. there will be things later I can write.
    I was thinking about towns, big or small, and how they got their names? I think I recall there have been stories about our town, Wauneta, how it came to be called that and I better not say what I think!
    When I see some odd sounding names I wondered who dreamed that up and got it made legal. When I worked for LeRoy Jussel in the service station during the time gas was getting a bit unavailable, farmers were wanting to add more gas storage looking ahead to no gas or really high prices for what we had to sell. He ordered large storage tanks. To me they looked like plastic tanks. Back to the the subject of towns, the man delivering one to Wauneta the driver left with brought it from Phillipsburg, Kans., and drove straight to Wauneta (he thought). When he stopped for the night he found he was in Juniata, Neb. He came on to Wauneta the next morning. That’s where I saw the tank and formed my idea of what is was made of. So that incident could have happened later years with mail and other deliveries.

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Wauneta Breeze

308-394-5389 (Phone)

324 N. Tecumseh

PO Box 337

Wauneta NE 69045