Former Dundy County Deputy convicted of kidnapping, sexual assault

Charles Thibedeau, 37, was convicted by a jury in Dundy County District Court with Kidnapping, a Class 2 felony; Third Degree Sexual Assault, a Class 1 misdemeanor; and Oppression under Color of Office, a Class 2 misdemeanor.
     On March 22, 2017, while on duty as a Deputy Dundy County Sheriff, Thibedeau sent Facebook messages to the victim, age 26, requesting that she meet him in a remote location to discuss a law enforcement matter.   
    When the victim arrived at the designated location, she was accompanied by a minor child. According to testimony, Thibedeau lied to the victim about an imminent search of her residence by local law enforcement.  
    Shortly thereafter, Thibedeau asked the victim to show him her breasts, and also demanded to touch her breasts. Thibedeau threatened to take her to jail on a fictitious warrant when she continued to refuse to consent.
    Thibedeau subsequently handcuffed the victim, placed her in his patrol vehicle and touched her bare breasts. He then began to drive off to another location, but then stopped and released the victim.
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