Looking Back

Doris Craig was a visitor of her mother, Elsie Becker over the weekend and returning home on Monday.
    Sharon Miller was guest of honor on Saturday evening for her birthday, enjoying steaks and birthday cake. In the Miller home were Dave, Kerry and Shelby Hamilton, Travis, Melanie, Maddie and Zach Miller and Tom and Sharon Miller.
    Jesse Gaschler was a Saturday dinner guest of the James Skeltons.
    Bob Jones, Dena Lucas and Susan Jones were among guests of Tillie Lucas at the cafe for Easter dinner.
    Seth, Kiane and Kaleia Alberts and Autumn, Sasauna and Leiauna Alberts were Easter dinner guests of Leola Alberts on Sunday.
    Ryan Rogers of McCook spent several days with his grandparents Wayne and Joann Daniel. The group also visited Betsy Daniel in Palisade.
March 26, 1993
25 years ago this week
    Floyd and Delpha Nordhausen visited Gary and Dawanna Greeley and Shelbi in Imperial on Monday.
    Mick and Gwen Brunkhorst were Sunday afternoon guests  at Janet and Dennis Egles.
    Peg McCalllum was a Monday morning visitor of Hazel Novacek.
    Jon Polly spent the weekend with Judy and Karl Polly. They and Kip and Kay Polly had Sunday dinner with Eunice and Virgil Bodeman.
    Kay Goings and Bob had lunch with Elsie Kerchal on Friday.
    Dorothy and Bob Vise spent Sunday with with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Vise.
March 29, 1968
50 years ago this week
    Robert Kennedy was taken to the Chase County Hospital early Sunday morning.
    Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Kerchal and boys were Saturday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Petr.
    Ronald O’Neil visited Thursday evening in the Donald O’Neil home.
    Mr. and Mrs. Al McCrumb were Friday evening guets in the Elwyn Krausnick home.
    Mrs. Martha Teply and Eddie Teply were Friday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Teply and family of Chambers and also visited with Mrs. Paul Masek and Karen.
    Mrs. Naomi Brynoff was a Thursday evening caller in the Max Rowley home.
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