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The grant from the Nebraska FFA Foundation will replace welding equipment at Wauneta-Palisade High School that has been around since current students’ parents attended the school

FFA grant will buy school new welding equipment

A grant from the Nebraska FFA Foundation will enable Wauneta-Palisade High School to replace welding equipment that has been used here for a generation.
    The school’s FFA chapter has secured a $9,363 grant which, along with an equal  match from the school district, will pay for several new pieces of welding equipment.
    FFA advisor Rod Gaston said welding teacher Danny Schluckebier and welding students are finalizing their wish list for the grant money. The district should be ready to place its order in a week or two, Gaston said.
    “We felt that when we go to the [FFA] contests that our equipment isn’t as modern. The equipment that we use in the contests is so much better. Some of the things we’re using today, some of these boys’ parents used.”
    Welding has always been part of FFA, Gaston said. “It’s a hands-on skill that’s used in repairing, trying to make new equipment.”
    But even students who plan a career outside agriculture will benefit, he said. “It’s a field they can get a job in.”
    Schluckebier said the grant will buy several new pieces of equipment, among them:
    A wire welder, which can be used for everything from simple shop repairs to railroad work. “Ninety-five percent of the welding things you can do, you can do with a wire welder,” he said;

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