Commissioners hear review of hospital audit

Chase County Community Hospital administrators Steve Lewis and Abby Cyboron joined Chase County commissioners Sept. 25 to provide a review of CCCH’s audit report.
    Cyboron, as Chief Financial Officer, explained much of the report.
    Overall, CCCH’s total margin improved. Operating expenses and debt were down while operating revenue increased.
    When comparing operating losses from 2017 to 2018, she said, with depreciation taken out, the hospital shows an operating gain.
    The total margin, while not in the black, has shown an improvement. The hospital showed a total margin of $1.2 million.
    Compared to other Nebraska hospitals in CCCH’s peer group, CCCH is bucking a trend and showing improvement while others have been going down.
    “When you look at our Nebraska peer group, nobody’s making a lot of money,” commissioner Dennis Kunnemann said.
    Across the state Medicare patients contribute to the trend.
    Lewis said hospitals are paid for 99 percent of their allowable costs for Medicare patients.

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