Rotary, school team up for projects

Palisade’s Rotary Club and elementary school are teaming up on two charity projects—one aimed worldwide, the other for the school’s playground.
    The school will hold a Purple Pinkie Day from noon to 1 p.m. MT at the school in Wauneta and before school in Palisade Oct. 24.
    In an email, Wauneta-Palisade teacher
Stephanie Malcolm said tables will be set up at the schools with information and statistics about polio. Students will be able to donate anywhere from a penny on up for polio eradication programs. In return, for a donation, the student will have his or her pinkie colored purple.
    The event is part of Rotary’s ongoing efforts to help raise awareness and eradicate polio worldwide.
    A more local project is starting and will run longer.
    School staff and students in both towns are asked to collect plastic caps and lids to make a “Buddy Bench” for the school grounds in Palisade.

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