Rain makes roots in sewers bigger problem this year

This fall’s heavy rains created what you might call the problem of the root in Wauneta.
    Village Public Works Supervisor Bill Bischoff said it was a bad year for a common problem in Wauneta’s sewer lines: tree roots growing inside them.
    While he couldn’t quantify the problem, “I can just say that it was worse than in past years” Bischoff said. “The cause of that, I do believe, is those timely rains.
    “If you look at the blossoms of the top of the tree and how well that filled in, they claim the root system can equal that. When you have a year when the trees do so well, then they claim that the root system does as well.”
    The problem was not acute in any particular area. It’s happened in spots where trees line the street and the roots “will work their way clear along the street,” Bischoff said.

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