Center still unable to find cook

The Wauneta Senior Center will be open for lunch four days a week at least through the end of this month, but it remains uncertain what will happen after that.
    “We don’t have many options,” said Joey Large, president of the center’s Board. “We’ve looked at other food service type supplying and those didn’t quite work out for understandable reasons. It’s just the situation that we’re in. I sure don’t want to see it close; once you’ve locked the doors, it’s hard to get people to change their habits and come back.”
    In a meeting Friday, the board voted to keep the center open for the rest of the month, but only Monday through Thursday of each week (plus the monthly Sunday dinner Feb. 24).
    It has been without a regular cook since January, when Krystal Hunt moved out of town, and without a director since Lorna Taylor left that position in November. The board has been unable to find a cook and, while it has an application for a director, will not fill that position until a cook has been hired, Large said.

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Wauneta Breeze

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Wauneta NE 69045