Vendors, artists lining up for 2019 Cattlemen’s Ball

Allison Sandman is excited about this year’s Nebraska Cattlemen’s Ball, but there’s one feature in particular that has her jacked.
    “I think in the history of the Cattlemen’s Ball, we will have the best display of artists and vendors ever,” said Sandman, one of the event’s hosts.
    She credits that to an aggressive social media campaign to line up participants.
 “We have been promoting the holy heck out of our artists and vendors,” she said. “I think it’s because of our social media promotion. We blasted way back when, saying if you know of artists or vendors” to spread the word.
    Nineteen vendors have been lined up so far. Sandman said she was uncertain of the number of artists who have expressed interest, but “I firmly believe the art tent will be the fullest we have seen it in years.”

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