Savings will make up for center budget shortfall

he Wauneta Senior Center has been running in the red, but the good news is that it has enough put away that finances won’t be a problem for some time.
    That was among the news at the center Board’s annual meeting Friday.
    Board President Joey Large, who also serves as de facto treasurer, gave board members a rundown of the facility’s budget.
    Large’s figures showed that for
fiscal year 2018, which will end at the end of this month, the center took in a little more than $39,000. Of that, $18,507.50 came from meals served to people 60 years old and older, with $2,663.50 coming in from people younger than that. The center charges $5 per meal for older clients and $7.50 per meal for younger ones.
    The center is partially reimbursed for its meals by the West Central Nebraska Area Agency on Aging. It receives $2.95 per meal for the first three thousand meals it serves in a year, $2.80 for the next 3,000 and $2.60 for any more than that.
     Large said that historically, the center has served 6,000 to 6,300 meals a year. Figuring about 25 meals a day for 255 days, the number the center is open for a year, the center will qualify for at the highest reimbursement on all but a couple of hundred meals.
    But turning to the expense side of the budget, for this fiscal year the Center will finish about $12,500 in the red. The highest expenses are for salaries and related expenses, which cost $15,980.66; and food, which costs $13,052.07. Salaries will take a jump to $25,000 in the next budget, since Director Karon Pantera and cook Jody Merrill both will have worked the full year; in 2018, the center went months without a director and went to four days a week with volunteers operating the kitchen before Merrill was hired.

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Wauneta Breeze

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Wauneta NE 69045