Feeding young children

Feeding children is one of the main responsibilities of a parent, but where can parents turn for advice when it comes to picky eaters.
    A trusted source of information for families is the Ellyn Satter Institute. Nebraska Head Start programs use this research-based information to help answer parents’ questions about feeding young children. What parents like about her research is that she translates it into simple terms that they can easily understand and apply, reports Extension Educator Lynn DeVries. Many parents also find it helpful to share this information with their childcare providers
–Questions parents ask about feeding younger children include:
–How often should I feed my child?
–Am I feeding my child enough?
–Am I feeding my child too much?
–What should I do about my picky eater?

Begin with the division of responsibilities
    Satter explains the parent is responsible for what, when and where, and the child is responsible for how much and whether they choose to eat. According to Satter, “Fundamental to parents’ jobs is trusting children to determine how much and whether to eat from what parents provide. When parents do their jobs with feeding, children do their jobs with eating.

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